A safe space your community can trust
HealthUnlocked gives your patient organization a free, branded space to help you build a thriving peer support community
Trusted by credible patient organizations
Cultivate your culture
You’ll get access to intuitive moderation and promotional tools to safely and effectively engage your audience while raising awareness of your campaigns.
Curate your community
Create a peer support network personalized to your condition area with free, light-touch technology. You’ll be guided by our experts every step of the way.
Showcase your success
Show the world the support you can give your community with a customizable widget on your own site, highlighting your community’s recent activity
Understand your members
Get real time insights on your members’ top healthcare needs and see what content engages them. Create meaningful discussion topics and promote your events.
It’s quick and easy to get started
81% of HealthUnlocked members feel more confident in managing their health in just 12 weeks
Proven impact for our members
reduction in visits to the GP/ Doctor’s office
had better interactions with their GP/ Doctor
reduction in visits to the emergency room/ A&E